Track-by-Track: Tiffany Daniels

Not new to the music scene, Tiffany Daniels returns with her 4-track EP titled, “Above All Else.” On this EP, Daniels pours out the meaning of Matthew 6:33 and what it means to constantly look toward God in all that you do.

Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Tiffany Daniels musical inspiration expanded across genres. Her father introduced her to the contemporary sound of the Christian music group, Out of Eden, and that of the punchy rap duo, Grits. But, it was her mother that introduced her to her main muse and inspiration, Whitney Houston. From there, Daniels knew she wanted to sing. She joined the youth choir at her church and shortly after began songwriting. All leading her to the music she writes today including her newly released “Above All Else.”

Resolute Magazine’s founder and editor Shonette Reed, sat down with Tiffany Daniels to hear her share about her unique creative process for recording her EP. Daniels shared how she chose the title for her EP, her recording process, and walked Shonette through the track list of “Above All Else.”

Photo shot by Karina Matts. EP Cover designed by Charlique Rolle.

Photo shot by Karina Matts. EP Cover designed by Charlique Rolle.

Resolute Magazine: Why the title "Above All Else"? What does that mean to you?

Tiffany Daniels: “Above All Else” came to me at a Wednesday night Bible study at Lifeline Church. I remember hearing the speaker say the words or a paraphrased version of [them]--and I knew that it was my album title. I wrote it down in my notebook that very day,  and God has taken me through a journey of trust and faith over the past year. [The phrase] comes from Matthew 6:33: "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."

I've learned this personally when making decisions in my life, or dealing with struggles and anxiety, that God is truly the first person I should go to. But this isn't always my first response to every situation- which is I why I love that these songs can be played over and over as reminders to carry out these things in our lives. Making God "above all else" is a daily choice and commitment.

RM: What was the process for recording each track of “Above All Else?”

TD: We laid down keys and drums on the tracks and then recorded lead vocals in sections. Primarily: the verse first, then the chorus, then the bridge and ad-libs

Tiffany Daniels breaks down “Above All Else” track-by-track


“Hallelujah is definitely a pop ballad you would hear on a Christian music radio station. I actually was inspired to write this after watching the movie La La Land. Though, this song sounds nothing like anything you'd hear in La La Land at all; the music [from the film] was definitely on my heart as I sat at the piano. It's an anthem, declaring who God is. As it progresses, it ends with a bang declaring, "Jesus is the Lord."

Thank You

“The chorus came from a melody my dad would play and sing at the piano when I was a child. I decided to try to take a stab at creating a whole song from it, as kind of both a chorus for people to sing in their churches as well as a surprise for my dad as thanks for introducing me to music, and to God. I played a cheesy beat from the piano and a walk up progression the entire song on the demo I sent to Kristian [my producer] from my living room. When I sat with Kristian in his home studio, we played through it a few times, and Kristian changed the progression to something that felt [much] better. When we got into the studio, I knew I was feeling a tom-tom rhythm on the drums and Gabe, [the drummer], nailed it. I really feel like this is just a fun song about thanksgiving. I hope people can really groove to it and sing the da-da-das when they wake up in the morning.”

The Call

“This song came one day [as] I was cleaning my house and listening to Bethel Worship. The song playing in the background really comforted me in the season I was going through. These words came to me so clearly: "don't lose heart, his plan, [it] is perfect for you" in the middle of an entirely different song. I knew that whatever the key that Bethel song was in was super refreshing so I sat at the piano and began to play in [the key of] F. The music definitely came first, and the remaining lyrics didn't come until weeks, even months later. But this song is the most personal for me. I think for a lot of people it will really resonate with them. It's a song of comfort in seasons of uncertainty; which was probably my life from December of last year until Spring of this year. It really is my go-to song off the album when I'm having to make decisions or need to be encouraged.”

I Trust You

“This song came in a season of me struggling for clarity in my life and really wanting God to take control. Kristian helped change the rhythm of the melody in the chorus as well as complete the [background vocal] line on the bridge. It's a simple song about trust, but it really hits home with things I've wrestled to trust God within the bridge that I feel like everyone can identify with.”

“The titles for these songs really just all flowed naturally from the chorus. However, for "The Call", it was more of a message. A message that says: "Hey when God is calling you to do things, remember who He is and all of His promises.”

I hope that everyone who listens to it can find a song on the album that they can really resonate within whatever season of life they may be in.”

The talent involved in “Above All Else”

Producer: Kristian Black

Vocalists: Ronica Daize, Jacquelyn Owens, Markice Hudson (all tracks)

Musicians: Gabe Lopez (drums), Harmony LaBeff (electric guitar), Aaron Harris (acoustic guitar), Eric Soto (bass), Keys/Organ (Kristian Black)