Poem: Woman

As a woman, 

dealing with the struggles 

of everyday life 

is a challenge.

Life is not easy;

but woman, you must stay positive.

As a woman, 

you are gifted to encourage–

to encourage the unmotivated.

A Queen possessing strength 

while supporting the weak.

There will be a time 

when you want to quit; 

where you want to give up.

Day after day of not feeling appreciated 

but then you remember–

My will is greater than 

my circumstance,

I am determined to succeed.

Writer Bio:

Arnissa Hopkins is a freelance journalist from Cleveland, Ohio. Hopkins has written for Otherwords.org, Resolute magazine, and now Blackpast.org. She is a graduate of Kent State University and The University of Akron. She holds a Master of Arts in Literature from The University of Akron. In her spare time, she likes to shop, travel, and spend time with her family. Arnissa has also given her time to various organizations throughout the Cleveland area.

Photo by Neemias Seara.